Homeowners are our #1 Customer! Click below to find out more and to schedule.
Private utilities? We can help. Click below to find out more and to schedule.
Need a utility locating service to help with your 811 tickets? We're here for you.
With our new GSSI Flex NX Concrete Scanner, we can quickly and efficiently scan an area ahead of your next sawcut or core. Learn more about this advanced system: GSSI Introduces Flex NX® - The Most Complete Concrete Scanning System in the World - YouTube
Looking to document your locate? Just make the request when you schedule your appointment, and for an additional charge our techs will take up to ten photos and email them to you upon completion.
A veteran-owned small business, ZoneOne Locating has been serving the damage prevention community in Minnesota since 2011 with roots going all the way back to 1983. Service is a core tenet of our culture, and we strive to be to be the Chick-fil-A of locating services. Our active customer list includes energy producers, large construction firms, small contractors, parks, cities, surveyors and homeowners.
We partner with Stripe Climate by donating 1% of all Stripe purchases to reduce atmospheric carbon.